Basic Information
Contact Information
Flat / H.No.: |
Building Name: |
Plot: |
Lane / Street: |
Colony / Locality: |
Area: |
City / Town / Village: |
Landmark: |
State: |
Country: |
PIN Code: |
Mobile Phone: |
Residence Telephone: |
Email ID: |
Clinic Telephone: |
Alternate Telephone: |
Alternate Email ID: |
Educational Information
Medical Registration
Employment Information
Course & Payment Details
Visitor Survey
Terms & Conditions:
1. I hereby declare that I am an MBBS/MBChB/MD Doctor registered with Medical Council for Diploma/fellowship courses in my Country and licensed to practice Modern Medicine or I am science graduate for Certificate in Genetic counseling or Hospital administrator for Advance Diploma in Hospital management.
2. I have read and understood all the Terms and Conditions on this website and unconditionally accept them as binding on me. I will send my MBBS and Medical registration Certificates for Diploma/Fellowship courses or my Degree/Post graduate certificate for genetic and hospital management courses and pay the required fee for admission.
3. I understand that Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. (Please click here to read the "No-refund" policy)
4. I understand that switching from one course to another course after enrollment is not allowed. (Please click here to read the FAQs)
5. I agree that I have to finish my course within the course duration (6 months for Certificate courses, 1 year for Fellowship courses and 2 years for Diploma in Family medicine course). I agree that if I don't finish my course within the above duration, I have to retake the admission and pay the fee once again or else not eligible for completion certification.(Please click here to read the FAQs)
6. I further declare under Penalty of Perjury that the above information provided by me is true and correct in all aspects. I hereby indemnify MEDISYS eVarsity and its partners against damages of any nature caused due to erroneous or falsified data submitted by me. |
I have read the terms and conditions, No refund policy and Disclaimer on this website. I fully agree to abide by the Disclaimer and Terms & Conditions listed in the prospectus, and on the MEDISYSeVarsity web site. |